How exciting is this topic! The world is at your feet - Everything is possible … or is it?
Strategies can be a revealer of fear, old patterns, limited thinking, listening to others rather than following your own intuitive intelligence, just to name a few. What a lot of fog! Working through this fog with a Coach or Consultant greatly benefit you. A a keen navigator supporting your trajectory of success and purpose, together building a clear understanding of the destination.
Strategies are powerful whether they are constructive or destructive! So you’d want to get them right. We offer a formula for a powerfully positive strategy that can cut through that low lying fog.
Try this formula for yourself ...
Integral + innovation + collaboration and connection + greater good aligned = STRATEGY
So what is integrity? Research it and Define it for yourself. Then Iive by this definition. Sounds so obvious doesn't it! Being integral is taking the time to truly decide for yourself, who you are, what you stand for, and how you intend on shaping this world while you're here (your purpose). Purpose big or small, we all impact. Make this impact mindful and conscious actions. Knowing your version of Integral is a really great start !
Oh I love innovation ... a curious mind able to make mistakes, sound silly, ask lots of questions, challenge the status quo. If you have these types in your organisation, community group or even family - Cherish their contribution because they may be forging innovation.
Creating a psychologically safe space for these types of behaviours is critical to building a culture for innovation. Space for reflection and healthy challenge enables all of us to rise to our curiousness and our questioning.
To make the most of a culture of innovation, as a leader listen actively, develop the structure for safe questioning and support all of the team with psychological safety to explore continuous improvement. A culture of innovation is underpinned by developing our people to be effective leaders and listeners.
Collaboration & Connection
Such a necessary ingredient to high performing and happy teams. The obvious is, this takes time. SO MAKE THE TIME for your team to collaborate and connect. The results are tangible - productivity, engagement, retention, empowered and committed to company vision and objectives
Greater Good Aligned
A primary value for any business or group is the act of being of service. Greater Good allows this service to reach further than your immediate consumer community - It's time to get creative, how Greater Good amplifies from your team.